Some of the first hand dyed fabrics that I was attracted to and ultimately bought where the ones that gradated in one color from dark to light.
Cerulean Blue, Blackened Yellow (yellow with black added to it), Fuchsia
Here are three such gradations.
Once you mix up your color you can do an easy step down in color gradation. Starting with one cup of pure color. Next pour 3/4 cup of pure color and 1/4 cup of water.
Continue to step down the amount of dye with water added to your 1 cup measure to achieve as subtle of a gradation as you like. The ones you see here are a 7 step gradation.
I used three different graded colors to make this baby quilt. A gradation in green, turquoise and yellow.
Every Wednesday this month I will have a drawing to give away a stack of color gradations made from the directions in my book. Then on Thursday some lucky winner will be mailed their four fat quarters of hand dyed fabric. Send me an email with your name and address, and I will add you to the hat for a chance to win. At the end of the month, I will pull one lucky winner from among all the names that I have collected in the hat who will receive a free copy of my book. And if you look on my website this month all orders over $30 will receive a free 48-5” packet of precut hand dyed fabric squares. What at deal.
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