Monday, October 27, 2008


Market at Houston has been a whirl wind. Laura and I arrived and set up the booth for Market on Thursday. We hung the quilts just like for Festival and then laid out our patterns for Market.
Then we went and set up our power point for something called School House. This is were you promote your products to any attendees who want to hear about you. We were sandwiched inbetween Ricky Tims and Mark Lipinski, so of course we had a great turn out!!
Then we had to take all the patterns and pack them up for something called Sample Spree. Anyone who is registered for market and pays a fee (Ithink) can come into the large ball room and BUY single itmes from the vendors. It was a mad house and we sold a lot of patterns. It is from 8-10 p.m. BUT then we had to go back to the booth the next morning and reset up all the patterns. I was exhausted before we even opened the booth. But business has been brisk.
We have however been doing very well and hopefully many of you will begin to see our patterns in a store near you.
We are also visiting with lots of friends who are here before Festival begins. I don't have my cord to load pictures, but hopefully I will tomorrow morning. I have to go to the lobby to get on line.
More to come, stay tuned.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like your having a great time!!!!

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