Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Woven Heart Basket

Woven Heart Basket
I first made these twelve years ago.

I got the idea from the paper heart baskets that the Scandinavian's put on their Christmas trees. I thought why can't I fuse the fabric and make these out of fabric. So I did.

This is a fun, easy project for you to make. You can down load the pattern here. if you sign up to follow my blog. Just click the link at the top of the page on the left side. Thanks

Make this for your special Valentine. You still have time.

1 comment:

GerryART said...

A friend gave me one of these woven hearts last month. While she was willing, well, more than willing to tell me it's secret, I wanted to find out on my own. Every few days I pick it up and examine it and then put it down none the wiser.
So here we are today, Frieda. Thank you for revealing it's magic.
I'd never have figured it out on my own.
Love your blog and creative talent. I just don't comment so that you know what I think. I'll attempt to improve my record.

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