
FrieStyle Designs
Dear Friends and fellow quilters,How can it possibly be July already? This year is just flying by. I have had a fabulous first half of the year, and I hope you have too. I am a new Grammy again. My son and his wife have been blessed with another beautiful boy name Henry Raymond. Henry was my father's name and Raymond is Henry's Grandpapa's name (on his mother's side). We are so happy to add him to our family, and yes he already has his own quilt.
After the fireworks have finally ended, I know you are going to be back inside your "studio" and sewing, I am always working on something.
 As a thank you to all my loyal customers, with each $20 order you will receive a free spool of Aurifil cotton sewing thread. You can never have enough thread, and Aurifil cotton is one of my favorite threads to piece and to quilt with. If you order fabric, I will try to match up a color with the fabric that you picked. I have some new gradations that I know you are going to love.
Summer Melon
Lavender Tea
Kettle Korn

New Class I have added a new class to my teaching list that I think you will love. It is called Small Quilts on Timtex This is a great way to frame your small works of art and use textiles to do it. In the class you will explore at least four different ways to work with this stiff but sewable interfacing. It can be used as a frame for a finished quilt or as part of the quilt itself and quilted right through the Timtex. I will be teaching this class at the IQA quilt show in Long Beach, CA. August 2-4, 2013.Come and join us. There are still a few spots left.

Machine Quilting the Home Sweet Home Quilt I hope you have signed up for my class on Craftsy. This class is about machine quilting on a domestic home sewing machine. It has all the information you need to become a great quilter on your home sewing machine. No long arms for me, just my plain old domestic sewing machine. You can become as good a quilter as I have just by taking the class.

I would love to see you in one of my upcoming workshops. We always have fun and it's great to learn something new!

Frieda Anderson FrieStyle |
1995 Murcer Lane Elgin, Illinois 60123 8479877556 |
FreeThread |
Don't forget with every order this month get a free spool of thread.
Pass it on!
Offer Expires: July 31, 2013 |
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