Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New Tulips


I will be leaving for NC tomorrow morning, teaching and lecturing. If you are in the area you should stop in, this is a very nice venue with great teachers.
See you there in your swimsuit coverup!
2008 North Carolina Quilt Symposium"Quilting By The Sea"
May 29 – June 1, 2008UNC-WilmingtonWilmington , NC
The 2008 NC Quilt Symposium will be held in Wilmington , NC . Housing and meals on campus are included in your registration fee. The Symposium is sponsored by NCQSI and hosted by the Quilters By The Sea Quilt Guild.
Complete class, quilt show and registration information is now available on the Quilters By The Sea Quilt Guild website.
Quilt Show
Merchants Mall
NEW! Postcard Exchange
NEW! Beach Cover-Up Competition
Faculty for the 2008 North Carolina Quilt Symposium:

Frieda Anderson - website
Judi Blaydon
Carol Blevins
Susan Brittingham - website
Karen Kay Buckley - website
Augusta Cole - website
Sally Collins - website
Sandi Cummings - website
Jo Diggs - website
Cynthia England - website
Ann Fahl - website
Judi Gunter - website
Jane Hall - website
Roberta Horton - website
Fran Kordek - website
Phyllis Miller
Marti Michell- website
Scott Murkin - website
Sharon Pederson - website
Andrea Perejda - website
Jane Sassaman - website
Katherine Ward
Cathy Wiggins - website
Joen Wolfrom -
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Monday, May 26, 2008

The proud graduates

Going to Boston to see Lars and Megan graduate from law school was the best birthday present I could have received. The ceremony was long but interesting. The president of the Red Sox's baseball team was the main speaker and he had a few kernels of wisdom that I hope all there could absorb. But of course the main attraction was seeing the presentation of the diploma's and hearing the cheers of joy from family and friends.
These two are off on a new adventure in their lives. I am so happy for them and know they will cope well and have a great time along the way.
Megan's proud parents.
Lars' proud parent. The other one was off getting the car. What a mad house it was afterwards. Thank goodness the weather was nice and no rain.
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Today is my Birthday

Laura gave me a new friend as my birthday present!!
This guys hair is exactly like I want to wear mine.

We are off to Boston to watch Lars and Megan graduate from Law School. Our families are incredibly proud of this new pair of lawyers. Just what the world needs new, young, idealistic lawyers. We love you both.
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NC Quilt Symposium

May 29 through June 1 will be in Wilmington NC teaching at the NC Quilt Symposium
I will be teaching Laughing Leaves. This a great beginner design class. Everybody gets to use my gorgeous hand dyed fabric to create this one of a kind leaf quilt.
And Trumpeting Spring. Students make either Daffodils or Tulips. I have hardly been in my garden this spring and I'll bet some of you are the same. I just barely got it cleared out of last years old leaves. My lavendar didn't survive any tips from any one?
If you haven't already signed up for classes this show looks like it is going to be a lot of fun and we will have some nice early summer weather. I will be bringing flip flops. I think I'm also going to meet up with an old high school friend I haven't seen in 20 years. That should be fun, I have to remember to bring pictures of the kids etc.
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Friday, May 16, 2008

May Birthday party

Yesterday at Laura's house Emily, Laura, Judy and myself celebrated the May girls birthday. Anne Lullie wasn't able to make it and of course we missed Melody. It was a quiet affair with lots of business information shared and very little gossip, but there was great food, especially the chocolate chip and cranberry oatmeal cookies provided by Judy (not a May birthday girl). Judy and Emily toured Laura's new studio (featured in Quilting Arts Magazine last month) while I fixed her sewing machine tension.
This was the first time in a long time Emily was able to come with out any little helpers, a big day for her.
But the important part was of course just getting together, we don't do it nearly enough and made plans to meet at Emily's house next time.
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Monday, May 12, 2008

Adventure Boy is Mother's Day Gift

My son Zac was born on Mother's Day many years ago. I have dubbed him Adventure Boy because he loves to try new stuff. For his Birthday in Florida this year he went and had Turduckchicken. Here is his explanation.

Jam a chicken inside of a duck, cram both of them inside a turkey, stuff in some stuffing and what do you get? A birthday treat. The only drawback: Thanksgiving could be kind of anticlimactic after that bird feast.

Way to go Adventure Boy. Happy Birthday.Posted by Picasa

Springs first wildflowers

Well these always appear. I do love the Dandelions. Their flowers are so soft and velvety and the prettiest color yellow.
And I do love the Jack in the Pulpit, it is such a mysterious plant.
Trillium. I thought this was a nice composition.
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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Baby Quilt

Colleen from South Africa wrote-

I wanted to send you a photo of the quilt I made for my daughter's nursery using your dyed background fabric.Thanks so much, the quilt is wonderful. My daughter loves the quilt. Had to share it. Colleen

Thanks Colleen it looks great and I know the baby will love it too.
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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

More favorites from Paducah

Yesterday and Today in Harmony by Michael Kasbey
On the Wings of a Dream - ANa Buzzalino
Angel's Trumpet by Barbara Clem

I am always looking at black and white quilts and of course I love the background on this quilt in the bed quilts. Frieda green!
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Monday, May 5, 2008

Nancy' Notions Sewing Weekend

Thursday and Friday Laura and I drove up to Beaver Dam, WI to be the featured speakers at the Nancy Notion's Sewing Weekend.
As usual on the way up many new songs were discussed and tried out as well as much talk about spam email. You guess what topic!
We had a great time as usual when doing a Nancy's Notion event. If you have never gone to one of these weekends and you love to sew this is a great opportunity to see and hear lots of different speaks at a reasonable price as well as to shop the store specials and the warehouse clearance. Of course I did not get away without spending a little money. I couldn't resist the price on a new Rowenta pressure iron and steamer.
We were able to get in a little antiquing as well. It was a good weekend.
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Thursday, May 1, 2008

Denver National Quilt Festival

The Denver National Quilt Festival starts today and the Chicago School of Fusing has an exhibit there. These are just some of my pieces in the show.

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Mores Favorites

Namoi Adams - One Tree Quilt
Sylvia Gegaregian - Mexican Bowls
close up - those are beads at the end of the decorative stitches.
And one more by Sheri Cooper - Help there's a chicken in my chili.
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