Quilting Arts has come out with a fantastic new book - The Best of Quilting Arts - Celebrate the first 10 years of groundbreaking QUILTING ARTS magazine with a collection of the best articles, projects and techniques.
• quilt art techniques from fabric collage and appliqué to resist dyeing, stamping, and foiling;
• machine-stitching and thread-painting tips and tutorials from award-winning art quilters;
• ideas and advice for the professional quilt artist;
• an array of binding and stitching techniques to make your art quilt stand out;
• methods for making realistic representational art quilts, including portraits of pets and people.
And I'm on the cover as one of the cover girls with my quilt Dancing Trees! Such an honor. Of course this quilt is made with my hand dyed fabrics.
Quilting Arts is one of my favorite magazines.
I have been fortunate enough to have several articles appear in this publication over the years.
My article on machine quilting is the second article in the book.
You really need to get this one.