Monday, July 27, 2009

Getting ready for the fall



I’ve been spending my days dyeing, getting ready for all my fall classes. I really haven’t had too much time to make anything new. I did finish the cat quilt and decided to keep the name “Winter Dreaming”, but thank you all for the great suggestions.

Brett and I leave for Scotland in two weeks, then Laura comes over and she and I will have a booth at the Festival of Quilts again this year in Birmingham. It was great fun last year and this year we are each teaching two classes as well. Brett leaves me on Monday August 17th and Laura doesn’t arrive until Tuesday August 18th. I am looking for something to do on the 17th in the Birmingham area, if you know of something interesting to do, please tell me. If you are going to be in the area email me and maybe we can connect. I would love to explore with someone new!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009



lauratrishfrieda-1 Laura Wasilowski, Trish Williams and my self have become the regional representatives of SAQA for IL/WI. We decided it would be a good idea to start a regional SAQAIL/WI blog. Please take a moment and visit our new endeavor.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Quilting Adventures

I will be doing a three day class in TX at the end of August the first of September at Quilting Adventures, there are still a few openings for this retreat in the hill country of Texas.
This will be a design class where my students will be learning techniques to free themselves from conventional methods of working.
We will be fusing designs related to trees and leaves. This process is so fun and fast and liberating I expect them all to experience an epiphany of freedom.

This is just one example of how I work a design. The drawing at the top was my beginning point. The first quilt was my first effort, but I really didn't like it and then a friend spilled coffee all over it, so I was forced to remake the quilt a second time. The second effort was so much better and went on to win an award in Houston. Sometimes disaster turns into success.
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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Crowing over Pumpkins


I just got this from Bert who took a class with me in VA in May. Thanks for sending it and I love the crow!

Bert Garino, Mt. Vernon QU

Frieda - I just finished the 3 pumpkin wall hanging that we did in the class in Mt Vernon. I thought I'd add a crow to the piece, and called it "Crowing over Pumpkins." Thanks for teaching us your methods. I just love your fabric, I also embellished it a bit more with colored wax pencils.
Bert from Mt Vernon QU.

Monday, July 13, 2009

July Sale

For the month of July all 1/4 yard cuts of fabric are on sale. Check it out at the website, FrieStyle.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

When you want something all the Universe conspires to help You achieve it. True or False?


So the dames had a sleep over up at Randi’s lake cabin on Little Green Lake  yesterday. I made a really good shrimp dinner, using Zac’s girlfriend Amelia’s recipe, we are now calling it Amelia’s Shrimp recipe. It is a Key Lime zesty shrimp dish, omg is it good.

Key Lime Shrimp
4 key limes or 2 limes
4 Tbs butter
1 Tbsp olive oil
4 cloves chopped garlic
1 Tbs Worcestershire sauce
20 large shrimp
hot pepper sauce
Grate a tsp of zest and squeeze 2 tsp juice from the limes.
Heat oil and butter in skillet
Add garlic, lime zest and juice, worcestershire and cook until bubbling.  Add shrimp, cook 2 minutes.
Turn shrimp over, add hot sauce (amount to your liking...Zac likes a huge amount!) and cook until done.
Serve with rice or bread or whatever strikes your fancy.

We have been having a discussion “ when you truly desire something all the Universe conspires to help you achieve it. True or False?

It has been so great, and we have answered all the questions and solved all the problems. Dames can do that ya know!



This was taken at Betty’s Cabana at the other May Birthday Girls party.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009



Thanks for all the great recommendations on the new piece. I will let you all know when I make a decision.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Winter Dreaming

I am working on a new little quilt currently called "Winter Dreaming"
It needs a better title. All comments welcome. Help me name my kitty looking out a window on a winter day.
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Monday, July 6, 2009

New Pictures of my Grand Puppy Wrigley


Wrigley 7.5.09

Quilts and More


I received this email yesterday about my article in the summer issue of Quilts and More.


Dear Frieda,

I have long admired your work in Quilting Arts magazine but  your article in Quilts and More really inspired me.  As program chairman for my guild, I was working on an embellishment program using silk flowers.  I quickly adapted your fusables to silk leaves and made mums for the flowers.  I used silk caladium leaves for a miniature of larger leaves on the inside cover.  The program was a big hit. 
Do you ever teach in the Western Pa. area?  I would love to take one of your classes.








I would love to come and teach in Western PA Susan!!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Teaching in Houston


I will be teaching in Houston this year. You can find in the catalog one of my classes on page 49 –#474 Blooming Fun. This class is fun and fast fusing and we will be using fun Decorative rotary blades to achieve texture. This quilt is inspired by my garden.


And the other class is #534 on page 53, Frieda’s Fun Fast Free Motion Machine Quilting. This class is designed for the home sewing machine. You will learn how to use your sewing machine as a drawing tool, learn how to handle the quilt sandwich, what needles and thread to use, and how to make complex patterns from simple designs.


Hope I see you there, we’ll have fun. Laura and I will once again have our booth selling hand ART FABRIK/FRIESTYLE.

I’m feeling very abstract today


I am feeling very abstract today and thought I would blog a few of my abstract pieces. These are so fun and free to make and can be very relaxing. abstract2  abstract


The top two are fused and the bottom two are pieced. I like both processes for very different reasons.

Fusing is quick and easy and liberating.

Piecing requires more thought and gives a softer feel to the finished project. Both are good, both are right.

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