Yes, it's my annual January SALE.
Receive a 20% discount on everything you order on my website through the month of January
Stock up now for the coming year so you're never without just the right color cotton fabric, special silk fabric, pattern or notions for your projects.
Enter the code thankyou2013 to get your discount.
Fabrics for unique designs
As someone who loves color, I think one of the most important choices we make as quilters is to pick the right colors for the right project.
I dye fabrics that make your projects pop with color.
FrieStyle Design fabrics are rich with saturated color and give you many options to choose from.
Buy your fabrics TODAY.

As a result, my patterns are fun to make with step by step directions that are easy to follow.
Use fabric from your stash or purchase my hand dyed fabrics and achieve the same results as I do.

I love being with Craftsy. The site is FULL of great information and classes.
If you haven't had the opportunity to take the machine quilting class with me, NOW is the time to take it on line.
This is the perfect class for the beginner to intermediate quilter and a great refresher for the more experienced quilter.

2014 Calendar
Every year I make a new calendar with new art work.
This is a great way to get monthly inspiration from the artwork in my calendar.
Use this calendar by your desk at work or at home to inspire and entertain you.
Order two and give one to a quilting friend.
20% off coupon for the month of January enter the code
Fun places to take a class
It is always so much fun to take a class
One of the great things about quilting is that there are so many places for you to take classes.
I will be in many different parts of the country this year and next. I bet I will be teaching a class somewhere near you. Please check out where I am teaching and sign up for one of my classes.
Do you want to take a cruise? I'll be teaching on one.
Do you live on the East Coast?
I'll be in Hampton, Virginia
How about the Mid-West?
I'll be in Peoria in March and at the IQF show in Chicago in June, and at
How about the West?
I'll be in Fort Worth, TX in February and at Quilt Colorado and Normal, Oklahoma in July.
Didn't find anything by you?
I would love to come and teach at your quilt guild.
You can view all my workshops on my website.

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coupon code for 20% off entire order in January 2014