I have a secret November special going on this month. With every order over $10 on my website you will receive a free fat quarter of batik fabric. Woo Woo!!
FrieStyle Fabrics and Notions Newsletter
I am ready for the Holidays. Are YOU? Do you need some quick gifts for that special person in your life? I have a few things that might help.
My Holiday Fabric Special through December will be 1/2 yard of Winter Red AND 1/2 yard of Grass Green for $20. These are the colors of Christmas, and they will make a wonderful bundle to give to your special quilting friend or to help jump start a project for your wall or table.
These are the colors I use in my pattern "Holiday Moments." It's not too late to make one of the three hangings in this pattern to put on your wall or front door for the holidays. Each of these patterns only takes a day or two to put together. I also used the Winter Red and Grass Green to make the Christmas tree skirt in last year's issue of "Quilting Arts" gift magazine. At this time of year you can never have too much RED and GREEN fabric. Don't forget to gift yourself too!!

This tree skirt is all fused and sewn in four sections to make it easy and quick to put together.
It is free with registration to Quilting Daily.
A pattern makes the perfect gift for that special quilting friend. It is right in the budget for "exchange gift" giving. I have so many wonderful designs to pick from and all are very fun and easy to make. A beginner quilter or an experienced quilter can all follow the step by step directions.
Join my blog
This month's free pattern for joining my blog will be a PDF of Star Lilies. Email me that you have joined and I will send that pattern on to you. If you haven't already joined my blog, now is a good time to do so. I will be posting many new videos and free patterns this winter. Just click on the link at the top right of this page that says “join this site”.
E-patterns are always available for sale on my website. This is a great way to buy the pattern and NOT pay for shipping. You purchase the patterns and then immediately download them yourself. You not only save on shipping BUT also receive the patterns the same day you buy them. Why not give it a try today? They are at the top of the pattern page.
Don't forget to stock up on these notions for winter sewing:
I just finished making some new quilting samples on 18" quilt sandwiches for easy reference when I want to know what batting to use with what thread color, etc... And I really was glad to have all the needles and thread that I needed right at my finger tips.
These also make great "exchange gift" gifts and fit in your budget nicely.
Rayon and matching cotton thread
Embroidery sewing machine needles
Decorative blades
Kia Scissors – these are what I use everyday and l love them. They have extra large holes for your fat quilters fingers.
My Teaching Schedule for 2013
2013 will be here before we know it, and I am going to some really fun places this coming year.
I love seeing friends and meeting new people, so I hope that if you are near any of these venues, you will pop in and say hello.
It is a nice opportunity meet and to see all of my quilts up close and personal.