Home again, home again, jigged jig.
I just returned from a week long trip to Paducah and Cedar Rapids IA.
It always feels so good to come home, don’t you think? I certainly do.
I had a great week with some wonderful quilty gals.
The three days in Paducah were fabulous, and it was wonderful to be inside quilting on such hot summer days. What on earth did we do before air conditioning. I guess we sat on the porch, drinking cool limeade and fanning ourselves. Or maybe it was Mint Julep's.
Teaching at the National Quilt Museum was really special.

There is a gigantic Magnolia tree at the corner of the Museum. One morning on my way into class I heard all this buzzing. I looked over and there inside the blossoms were these bees. I believe they were having a sugar overdose. They seemed incredible happy. What a way to start the day with the heady smell of gorgeous Magnolia blossom. I am in love with the way they smell.

There are these historic markers all over town. I have never had the leisure to read any of them. I am now so impressed with all the history of the place.
It was so fun to have classes in the museum it self and then be able to walk through the galleries at lunch time, or if we just needed a quick inspiration break.
This museum is a real treasure for all of us quilters.

I taught three days of classes. A two day fused collage class and one day of machine quilting.

The happy quilty gals of Paducah.

And I was lucky enough to stay at
Caryl Bryer Fallerts home and studio. I couldn’t have asked for a nicer mid summer trip.
After three glorious days in Paducah I was off to Cedar Rapids IA to teach at the Eastern Iowa Heritage Quilters Guild in Cedar Rapids.
On the way I passed through St Louis. Just a little glimpse of the arches as I drove by.

We have been parched here in the wid-west this summer. A real heat spell has been upon our region, but driving through Iowa on the way home today the fields looked green and ripe, and I felt like I was in the heart land of America.
It is good to be home.