Kathy York had a great idea for an entry into Tactile Architecture. So she contacted some of her friends to help out.The idea was to create an artist village with three dimensional stitched houses. A group of us put on our thimbles and started stitching away.

Mine is the little one under the tree to the left.
I call my little house “Woodland Cottage”. It seemed like a natural to me.
I don’t really have any process pictures, but here is my finished house. It is about 12” tall and about 8” wide. I used my hand dyed fabric, the stuff I call “wicked” fabric for the base of the house.

I love the trilliums that bloom in the spring in my little woods and decided to add them around the bottom of my woodland cottage.
I fused the “wicked” fabric and wrapped the fused fabric on top of the shape of the house cut out from TimTex. This was all fused to the TimTex. The Trilliums circle the whole house.
I fuse appliqued them to the fabric and then machine quilted them through the fabric and TimTex in 30 weight rayon thread.

Once I had all the Trilliums quilted, I quilted the base of the house also in #30 rayon in a pattern I call “tree bark”. It reminds me of the way tree bark looks on.
We had to make our houses so that they could be shipped flat, so the roof and the chimney all come off the house and can lay down flat.
The house, the roof, and the chimney are attached with velcro.

The roof tiles are two fabrics fused together.
I cut out white oak leaves from the two fused fabrics that then form an overlapping design on top of “wicked” fabrics fused to the timtex for the roof.
I machine quilted down the center of each layer of leaves with #30 rayon thread right through all the layers of fabric and TimTex

And while it is hard to tell the leaves gradate from dark to light. I used my gradation Forest Floor as the top fabric for the leaf tiles.
I have a good friend who makes jewelry,her business is called Of Nature and each item that "Of Nature" completes consists of an actual piece of nature covered in copper. I had her use this process to cover the doors and windows that I made out of leaves, twigs and acorns. I think they look FABULOUS!

I had a bit of a dilemma when it came to attaching the windows and doors, but I eventually drilled holes in them and sewed them to the house.

You can view the rest of the village by following along the time line on the schedule below. I hope you have enjoyed this peek into my process of creating “Woodland Cottage”.
Susan Else (website) May 2 http://www.susanelse.com/
Frances Holliday Alford May 3 http://www.franceshollidayalford.com/weblog/
Pamela Allen (website) May 4 http://pamelart.homestead.com/titlepage.html
Frieda Anderson May 5 http://friestyle.blogspot.com/
Lisa Call May 6 http://blog.lisacall.com/
Jane Davila May 9 http://janedavila.blogspot.com/
Naomi Adams May 10 http://killerbeedesigns.com/blog1/
Jamie Fingal May 11 http://jamiefingaldesigns.blogspot.com/
Barb Forrister May 12 http://www.freespiritartstudio.blogspot.com/
Vickie Hallmark May 13 http://fiberartglass.blogspot.com/
Connie Hudson May 16 http://beyondtherail2010.blogspot.com/
Leslie Jenison May 17 http://leslietuckerjenison.blogspot.com/
Sherri McCauley May 18 http://sherrilipmanmccauley.blogspot.com/
Judy Perez May 19 http://judyperez.blogspot.com/
Melanie Testa May 20 http://www.melanietesta.com/mtype/
Laura Wasilowski May 23 http://artfabrik.blogspot.com/
Kathy York May 24 http://aquamoonartquilts.blogspot.com/